Tobacco web quest




1.         To begin, go to the following website and read about the basic history of tobacco:    Then, answer the following question:   Explain how nicotine is believed to have become named.




2.         Go to this website and review the tobacco timeline:  Then, complete the following statements:



                         It was in the year 1612 that the first known tobacco plantation was established in ________ ________.

                         It was in the year _______ that health warnings on cigarette packages began.




3.       Go to the following website and play the Effects of Smoking game  .  This is where you will see how smoking makes you ugly by "touching up" photos. Simply left-click on Play the game >> .  Then, follow the on-screen instructions and choose a sample picture to use.  When you are finished, summarize this experience by writing at least one sentence about the effects of smoking on someone’s physical appearance.





4.         Go to the website and read all the information on the page.  Then, fill in the missing information on the image below from the same image on the website.  This gives you a good idea of exactly what you are putting into your body from smoking a cigarette.





5.     Go to the website and wait to watch the short video for the useful cigarette.  At the end, left-click on all of the little spheres around the cigarette and read the information.  Then, left-click on the “x” on the upper right corner and repeat until you have covered the entire cigarette.




6.       Go to the website and slowly mouse over the two teens pictured to see what tobacco is doing to their bodies.  Then, click on the smoking quiz on the right side of the screen.  Next, take the short quiz by left-clicking on the answer that you feel is correct.  Write down how many answers that you got correct in the space below. 


____ of 8 correct.


   Then, left-click on the right side of the page where it says “chamber of horrors.” Next, left-click where it says “start,” read information, and then left-click when you see the words “go on.”


7.       Go to the following website and play the kick-butts game .  Simply read the instructions and left-click on Play Kick-A-Butt.  Record your high score below.




8.       Go to the website below to find out how expensive a smoking habit can be Type in $6.00 for the average cost of a pack of cigarettes. 


If you began smoking 5 cigarettes (light smoker) today, and continued this habit for a year you would end up paying:

__________ per day

__________ per week

__________ per month

__________ per year



If you began smoking 15 cigarettes (moderate smoker) today, and continued this habit for a year you would end up paying:

__________ per day

__________ per week

__________ per month

__________ per year



If you began smoking 30 cigarettes (heavy smoker) today, and continued this habit for a year you would end up paying:

__________ per day

__________ per week

__________ per month

__________ per year